Alexandra Hills
Evacuation information and routes
Find out about evacuation information and routes out of Alexandra Hills.
Safer places in your neighbourhood
List of roads that may flood
Emergency services
A list of emergency services in the Redlands.
Natural hazards and critical infrastructure
A description of natural hazards and critical infrastructure in Alexandra Hills.
Demographic information
General Information
Information sources
For weather updates and to tune in to warnings:
- Listen to local radio ABC 612 AM and Bay FM 100.3
- Opt-in to councils emergency messaging service Redlands Coast Alerts
- Follow rolling updates on the Redland City Council news site
- Follow updates from Redland City Council’s Twitter and Facebook
- Follow weather and warning updates from the Bureau of Meteorology or download the BOM Weather App to receive push warning notifications
- Word of mouth through Redland City Council (RCC), Queensland Police Service (QPS), Queensland Fire Department (QFD) and State Emergency Services (SES)
- Door knocking and vehicle mounted PA systems through RCC, QPS, QFD and SES.
Prepare your household
Emergency contacts
- Life threatening emergencies or to report a fire: Triple zero (000)
- Non-emergency situations: Police: 131 444; Ambulance: 13 12 33
- Flood or storm damage: State Emergency Services (SES): 132 500
- Council-related emergencies: Redland City Council: 3829 8999 (24 hours)
- Water supply emergencies: Redland City Council: 3829 8999 (24 hours)
- Fallen powerlines: 000 or Energex: 13 19 62. Stay away from fallen power lines and alert people of any dangers.
- Power outages: Energex: 13 62 62
- Telecommunication problems:
- Gas emergencies: Australian Gas Networks Limited: 1800 427 532
- Health and Hospital information: Queensland Health: 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84)
- School closures: Contact your children’s school directly or visit the Education Queensland website
- Road and traffic conditions: Transport and Main Roads: 13 19 40 or visit Department of Transport and Main Roads.